Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Complex Stick Figure Animation

I made a complex stick figure animation I used the Adobe Flash program then started with making a scene of a wrestling rink made of just rectangles. I then made my two stick figures on opposite sides of the rink and made them walk toward each other. When they meet in the center one stick figure punches the other through the roof of the arena. Then I changed the background by adding blue rectangles and white ovals to make clouds. Then I made my stick figure go up into the sky.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Harlem Shake Stick Figure

To make this I started with a scene of a stick figure and two balls rolling across the floor. Using frames I moved each figure a little bit to make it look like  a smooth video. My video is of three stick figures doing a dance called the Harlem Shake and then the two outside figures shrink down to just a ball and roll away then the main stick figure shrinks down to a ball also and turns into a basketball and a hoop appears and the ball is shot into the hoop then the ball reappears and bounces of a sign that flows up the screen the says "Everybody Do The Harlem Shake". I used mostly the Ellipse tool and the rectangle tool to make the shapes and then I used the sub-select tool to move each part.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Entiat Community Historical Society

I made this business card by putting a black box on my canvas then put a white box inside the black box. I took imformation from the school website and summed all of it together so there isn't as much text in the card. Then I copied and pasted the Historical Society logo onto my card.
I made this card by just putting a white rectangle on my canvas then added imformation about the Historical Society and put the logo on the card. Then I erased the letters in the original logo and used a different style font to match all of my text.
This card was created by putting a rusty brown colored rectangle on the canvas with a radial gradient on it. The I took all of the simple and most important imformation about the Historical Socitety and put it on my card. Then I copied an pasted the logo on to my card and used the magic wand tool to get rid of all the white in the logo.
I made a longer canvas to show the front and back of the memebership card. I took all of the important imformation about being a memeber in the Historical Socitety and made lines for a memeber to put their name, number, and signature. Then I put the logo in the top left corner so everuthing is spaced out more.
I made this memeber ship card by putting the imformation about being a memeber,and imformation about contacting the Historical Society in the front of the card, and imformation such as the memeber's name, number, and signature. To make the logo look the way it does I used the magic wand tool to get rid of all of the white in the logo.
I made this card by getting a picture of wood off the internet and pasted it inside the rectangle. Then I put membership imformation in the front of the card and Name,Number, and Signature imformation in the back of the card. I used the magic wand tool to cut all of the white background out of the logo then used the paint fill tool to make the barn in white and the text white.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jordan Business Card

For this business card I would recommend to use the colors red, black, white, and grey because they are the original colors of the Jordan company and they are the closest colors to Micheal Jordan's team the Chicago Bulls. I would use font colors of red or black because they would be easy to see on each of the different card stock colors.

Monday, March 4, 2013

New Jordan Logo

To re construct this Jordan brand logo I started with 4 inspirations that have been already made. I started with a number 2 and I used a Jordan logo an pasted it inside the 2. Then I went online and found a picture of Micheal Jordan sticking his tongue out like he usually did. Then I cropped out just the head of him and converted it to gray scale by using the marquee tool and put it inside a number 3. Then I put the 2 and 3 together to make 23. I typed in "AIR JORDAN"  and converted the letters to paths so that the letters can be separated. I placed them at the top of the numbers and made them curve around the top. Then with the word AIR I changed the shape of the letters. Then I added a gradient background of Radial and made the colors black and red.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Black Swan Business Cards

This is my unprofessional business card. It is unprofessional because there is to many bright colors and to many different colors and figures. I made the swan have a  a purple glow and a pink glow show it is less organized and has to much on the swan. I pasted a picture of a #SWAG photo to give a theme of a thrift shop. I used a font of Bradley Hand ITC and a font size of 35.

This card is my mid level card, this is mid level because it is cleaner and more organized than the unprofessional card. I used a font size of 17 and a font of High Tower Text. I took an image of basketball and pasted it inside the original swan. Then I copied and pasted another swan and flipped it vertically and pasted a picture of basketballs inside.  
My professional card is clean, crisp and organized compared to the other cards. I used the original swan and put a light blue-green background. I also used a font size of 25 and a font of Freestyle Scripts.

Monday, February 25, 2013

#Whale Pointillism

This is my whale pointillism. I created it by starting with a non colored picture off the Internet. I used the paint tool to make dots all over the picture but used the color chooser to use the colors that are on the non colored original picture. The dots I made are less than 10 point. For the whale I used mostly 5 or 7 point for more detail. For the background I used 10 point so I was able to finish faster. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Colorwheel Pointillism

This colorwheel was made by using different types of circle sizes. First we choose the paint brush tool, then we choose a size of 30 point for the top left colorwheel. I made a bitmap for each color and placed all of the under the center circle and then made dots inside the each color with the circle. I did the same process for each colorwheel except for each wheel there is a different size point, the top right is point 20, bottom left is point 5 and the bottom right is point of 10.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Film Strip

To make this image look this way I went on the internet and used the marquee tool to crop parts of the image in different places and place them in different places and forms to make the picture look unordinary.

Monday, January 14, 2013


This is Annabel Rose. I created her by starting with my eye that I created. I made a copy of the eye and transformed is and flipped it to horizontal, so I had two eyes. Next I made the face by making circles 3 big circles and used the sub select tool to form the face into the shape I want. To make my nose I put an oval between the two eyes and used the sub select tool to shape the nose to look like a realistic nose. I  added a circle on her cheeks and changed the color to pink to add blush. I made the chin by making an oval at the bottom of her face and added a darker color to add shade to bring out her chin. Next I made her lips by making ovals and used the sub select tool to shape the lips to make her look like she is smiling. Finally I made her hair by making small ovals and used the sub select to make the hair have a point. I made copied of that piece and grouped them around her head, for the hair on the side of her face I made ovals and used the sub select tool to make a point. I then grouped the hair together and place it to look like hair coming over the side of her face.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I made my eye by starting out with two ovals and used the free form tool to make a point in the ends to make the eyelids. I then  added an inner shadow to the upper lid and a radial gradient to the lower eye lid. Then I copied one eye lid and changed the color to white and used the scale tool to make the eye ball smaller to fit inside the eye lids. I put a radial gradient inside the eyeball to make a gray shadow and white eye ball. Next I made a circle with a radial tint and changed the color to emerald green to make a green eye. To make the eye lashes I made and small oval and used the sub select tool to make a point at the top, then I copied and pasted a bunch of the lashes and placed them all around the eye. Finally I made an eye brow by making and oval and using the sub select tool to form an eye brow.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


To get the background of this rain tree to convert to sepia tone and not the tree I used the magic wand tool. I selected parts of the image that I wanted to convert then I went to the task bar and selected commands and went to creative then to convert to sepia tone. I did this until my tree had almost no blue in it.

This is the original image I used.

This image is what I made after converting everything except the bear to gray scale. I did this by using the polygon lasso tool to trace around the bear and the selected the select inverse option and went to commands and converted to gray scale.
The original image.

This is my finished image. I used the polygon lasso tool to trace around the yellow flower and I selected the inverse of the flower and used the command tool to convert to sepia tone.