Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I made my eye by starting out with two ovals and used the free form tool to make a point in the ends to make the eyelids. I then  added an inner shadow to the upper lid and a radial gradient to the lower eye lid. Then I copied one eye lid and changed the color to white and used the scale tool to make the eye ball smaller to fit inside the eye lids. I put a radial gradient inside the eyeball to make a gray shadow and white eye ball. Next I made a circle with a radial tint and changed the color to emerald green to make a green eye. To make the eye lashes I made and small oval and used the sub select tool to make a point at the top, then I copied and pasted a bunch of the lashes and placed them all around the eye. Finally I made an eye brow by making and oval and using the sub select tool to form an eye brow.

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